Celebrating CFA Success

Celebrating CFA Success

Congratulations Ryan Fitzgerald, Associate, who was recently awarded the CFA charter.

The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam program is among our industry’s most rigorous and demanding. Additionally, according to the CFA Institute:

Earning the charter requires demonstrating four years of professional investment experience, committing to uphold a comprehensive code of ethics, and passing three levels of rigorous exams that test an advanced curriculum of investment management and analysis skills. This achievement takes multiple years of persistent effort and hundreds of hours of study per exam level.

Having accomplished all this, charterholders are tested and trusted professionals with the skill and insight to uphold high standards across the global investment industry and serve the best interests of investors and society.

Sellwood Consulting strongly supports our professionals’ continued intellectual advancement via the CFA program. All of our employees, CFA charterholders or not, adhere to the CFA Code of Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct.

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